21 x 18 “Acrylic & airbrush with resin on canvas
18 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
Sonny Singh
Kisne Dekha Kisko

Who saw whom?

In sharing these images, Satinder invites us to journey with him to a space where reality and sense-memory merge.

These images were taken upon Satinder’s return to India, as part of his travels which deliberately took him away from the incessant clamour and blinding aspiration of metropolitan India to an India he had thus far seen little of. Indeed, an India that hundreds of millions of Indians have seen little of, care so little for.

This journey of discovery turned into one of self-discovery as Satinder encountered the fear, faith and fortitude of others. A personal quest gradually, inevitably turned into larger discovery as he sought out the sight and hearts of everyday people. Soon, what may have begun as ethnographic diary turned into an unabashed engagement with life.

He encountered such life in public spaces. He queried people – and their moods – by approaching them with a simple digital camera, without the facility of a zoom lens, and watched his ‘subjects’ – watch him with equal curiosity and frankness. Gaze became an intertwined bilateral relationship.

The journeys affirmed for Satinder a homecoming. This is the heart of Kisne Dekha Kisko.

Sonny Singh
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Sonny Singh
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